[Gandur] Medieval Violence: Strengleikar this Thursday

Félag þjóðfræðinga á Íslandi thjodfraedingar at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 20:49:03 GMT 2012


Miðaldastofa Hugvísindastofnunar / Medieval seminar


Árnagarður 422

Thursday, September 6 at 16:15


The first Strengleikar seminar of the term is offered by Marco Mora,
Research Fellow in medieval history at the University of Bamberg:



Rules of violence in Norse saga literature 


Please join us for drinks afterwards (for ISK 400 - remember coins).

Our lecturer offers the following abstract:

Scandinavian Vikings are probably best known as ferocious warriors, whose
acts of violence caused a lot of suffering among European people. Therefore
it is not very surprising that in the Norse sagas of Icelanders, in which
feuding is one of the main themes, violence is a ubiquitous element. In my
lecture I will pursue e.g. the following questions: How do the sources
differ in regard to certain types of violence? What kind of violence was
socially tolerated and what condemned as shameful and dishonorable? In a
second step, I will analyze which methods may have been in use to regulate
violent behavior in order to make it socially acceptable.

Viðar Pálsson, PhD, Research Fellow (Grantee), Lecturer
The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
University of Iceland
Árnagarður at Suðurgata
101 Reykjavík, Iceland
Work: +354 525 4010 <tel:%2B354%20525%204010> 
Cell: +354 820 7027 <tel:%2B354%20820%207027> 

Viðar Hreinsson
bókmenntafræðingur / literary historian
ReykjavíkurAkademían / The Reykjavik Academy
Hringbraut 121
107 Reykjavík - Iceland
(+354) 562 8563 (office) (+354) 552 3956 (home) / (+354) 844 8645 (cell)
vidar at akademia.is

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