[Gandur] Þjóðfræðifyrirlestur á fimmtudaginn: Barnaleikir - Sköpun á skjánum og skólalóðinni (Julia Bishop)

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein vth at hi.is
Tue Feb 6 10:22:33 GMT 2018

Allir velkomnir á þennan spennandi fyrirlestur um þjóðfræði barna á fimmtudaginn kl. 16.15!

Little Tinkers: Creativity and Bricolage in Children's Play
(Barnaleikir: Sköpun á skjánum og á skólalóðinni)

Fimmtudaginn 8. febrúar, kl. 16.15 í stofu 106 í Odda

Fyrirlesari: Julia Bishop, University of Sheffield

Á vegum námsbrautar í þjóðfræði og safnafræði í samstarfi við Félag þjóðfræðinga á Íslandi.

This talk will describe recent interdisciplinary research in the UK on children’s play. Drawing on both archival sources and multimodal analysis of recent fieldwork, it considers continuity and change, highlighting how children's digital practices (often characterised as a negative force) are impacting on play in offline spaces and vice versa. The paper also suggests areas for further research, such as intergenerational transmission and knowledge exchange among children of different ages, and children and adults, and explores their potential for 'immersive history' experiencesand digital literacy in 'makerspaces'.

Um fyrirlesarann:
Julia Bishop is a research associate at the University of Sheffield and the University of Aberdeen, specialising in traditional music and children’s folklore from historical and contemporary ethnographic perspectives. She leads the James Madison Carpenter Collection Project, and is a Co-I on Playing the Archive project. Her publications include *Play Today in the Primary School Playground* (co-edited with Mavis Curtis, 2001), *The New Penguin Book of English Folk Songs* (co-edited with Steve Roud (2012), and *Changing Play* (co-autored with JAckie MArsh, 2015). She is visiting Iceland on a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship as part of the 'Makerspaces in the early years: Enhancing digital literacy and creativity’ (MakEY) project.

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