[Gandur] Ráðstefna: Tilkall til norðursins

Kristinn Schram kristinn at akademia.is
Tue Oct 1 20:36:40 GMT 2013

*Tilkall til norðursins:  Vestnorræn norðurslóðavæðing*

Ráðstefna 4. október 2013. 13:00 - 18:00

Rannsóknasetur um norðurslóðir,* Denmark and the New North Atlantic og EDDA
– öndvegissetur*

*Askja 132 Háskóli Íslands *

*Breytingar á norðurslóðum* eru viðfangsefni þessarar alþjóðlegu og
þverfaglegu ráðstefnu sem fjallar um endursköpun samfélags og menningar í
löndum í Norður-Atlantshafi. Sérstök áhersla er lögð á samspil og
valdabaráttu sjálfsmynda; togstreitu minnihluta og meirihluta; nýlendu- eða
dullenduáhrif; og þverþjóðlegar afleiðingar loftslagsbreytinga. Þar má
nefna náttúruspjöll, auðlindaupptöku og aukinn hreyfanleika fólks í Norðri.
Aðalfyrirlesarar eru *Michael Herzfeld*, prófessor í mannfræði við Harvard
háskóla í Bandaríkjunum og *Kirsten Thisted*, dósent við*
Fjöldi innlendra sem erlendra fræðimanna tekur þátt (sjá dagskrá í PDF og
vefsíðu www.caps.hi.is).

Ráðstefnan fer fram á ensku.

Claiming the North: (Re-)territorializing the “**Westnordic Arctic”*

Symposium 4th October 2013. 13:00 – 18:00

*Organized by the Centre for Arctic Policy Studies at the University of
Iceland, Denmark and the New North Atlantic and EDDA – Center of Excellence*

*Location: Askja 132 University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland.*

*Time: From 13:00 to 18:00*

This international and cross-disciplinary symposium will facilitate a
discussion on current and potential restructuring in the circumpolar North
with a focus on the West-Nordic Arctic and Subarctic regions. Particular
attention is paid to identity politics, with a focus on the processes that
construct majorities and minorities, core and peripheries. Discussions will
focus on the multiple transnational effects of colonial ties, climate
change, industrial activity and increased mobility on sovereign and
indigenous rights, economic interests and cultural issues.


*Michael Herzfeld*, Professor of Anthropology at Harvard University:  *Where
Ambiguity Serves the Interests of Power: Testing the Fuzzy Edges of

*Kirsten Thisted*, Associate Professor at the University of
Copenhagen: *Imperial
ghosts in the North Atlantic - old and new narratives about the colonial
relations between Denmark and Greenland*


Kristinn Schram
nýdoktor - postdoctoral researcher
Edda - Öndvegissetur  - Edda  Center of Excellence - www.edda.hi.is
ReykjavíkurAkademían - The Reykjavík Academy - www.akademia.is
kristinn at akademia.is

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