[Gandur] SIEF Working Group_Bergen 5th and 6th of september 2013

Valdimar Tryggvi Hafstein vth at hi.is
Fri Mar 22 13:34:40 GMT 2013

Menningararfshópur (working group) evrópsku þjóðfræðisamtakanna (SIEF) efnir til árlegs málþings í Bergen 5.-6. september og auglýsir eftir ágripum frá þjóðfræðingum og systrum þeirra úr öðrum greinum -- skilafrestur fyrir ágrip er 19. apríl. Tekið skal fram að málþingið er öllum opið, þótt að í eftirfarandi auglýsingu sé orðum sé beint að þeim sem þegar eru á póstlista hópsins.
> -    Commodification, mediatization, governmentalization
> 5th Meeting of the SIEF Working Group on Cultural Heritage and Property
> Bergen, 5th and 6th of September, 2013
> Dear colleagues.
> We have the pleasure to invite members of the SIEF Working Group on Cultural Heritage and Property to our forthcoming workshop on the transformations of culture into heritage, in Bergen, Norway. A significant aspect of contemporary culture is the conversion of (tacit) cultural practices into explicit cultural heritage. Cultural practices once given as lived experience, are being increasingly raised to the level of awareness through discourses and signs marking out elements of culture as heritage. But how do these processes come about, and how can we describe and understand them within the perspectives of cultural studies? We propose three areas where the problematic of the transformation of culture into heritage can be studied. 1) Commodification; how do commercialization, tourism, branding of products, «symbolic production» affect heritage processes? 2) Mediatization; how do images or representations of culture in various media affect understandings of heritage? 3) Governmentalization; how do political strategies and interests, antiquarian organizations and government (on different levels) regulate cultural practices towards or against «heritage»?
> Deadline for abstracts (150-200 words): 19th of april 2013.
> Place: University of Bergen
> Time: September 5th-6th, 2013.
> Further information about accommodation, travel and other practical issues will be sent out in a later e-mail.
> Best regards
> Hans-Jakob Ågotnes, Torunn Selberg and Peter Forrás

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