[Gandur] Hvernig enduspeglast samband mæðra og dætra í fötunum sem þær klæðast ?

Eva Þórdís Ebenezersdóttir ethe3 at hi.is
Fri Mar 9 16:54:30 GMT 2012

Opinn fyrirlestur um þjóðfræði fatnaðar: Hvernig enduspeglast samband
mæðra og dætra í fötunum sem þær klæðast?

Fyrirlesturinn heldur Nadine Wagener-Böck, doktorsnemi í þjóðfræði í
Göttingen, en hún kennir nú Erasmus-námskeið í þjóðfræði við HÍ sem heitir
"Um fegurð mannslíkamans: Snyrtivörur, fatnaður og hártíska í

Fyrirlesturinn er á mánudaginn 12. mars 2012 kl. 17 í stofu 106 í Odda.
Aðgangur er
ókeypis og allir eru velkomnir.

Nadine Wagener-Böck þjóðfræðingur frá Göttingen heldur opið erindi með

Visible generations? Some thoughts on how clothes shape mother-daughter


Whenever media, advertisement and popular fiction deal with generations of
women, clothes play a central role. By contrast the everyday appearance
management of female members of a family is rather sparely examined. The
presentation will consider clothes as part of material culture in
mother-daughter relationships. Based on data from ethnographic fieldwork,
that focuses on the 'Sixties generation' and their daughters, I will trace
processes of transmission that lead to ?cultures of relatedness? (Carsten)
and in doing so investigate the significance of generational consciousness
and generational positioning through sartorial practice.

Nadine Wagener-Böck M.A. is research assistant at the department of
Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology at Georg-August-University in
Göttingen, Germany. Before then, she was lecturer at the department of
Volkskunde/European Ethnology at Christian-Albrechts- University in Kiel,
Germany, and from 2005 to 2008 scholarship holder and member of the
research training group ?Generations in modern history? (German Research
Foundation) in Göttingen.

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