[Folda] Plans for ash wednesday (Öskudagur) (On behalf of Halldórita)

Jorge Montalvo jem3 at hi.is
Wed Feb 13 11:51:12 GMT 2013

Dear Folda members,

We are closing for the registration for the Friday science trip to 
the Ministry for the Environment and Natural Resources 
(http://eng.umhverfisraduneyti.is/ <http://eng.umhverfisraduneyti.is/>). 
The science trip will start at 4 o'clock at the ministry in Skuggasund 
1. Our friends in Gaia (Environmental natural resources) are gonna join 
us there. Remember we have limited seats (only 15 sets for Flóki & 
Folda) please sign up before today at 16 o´clock by sending a email to 
Halldóra: hbb11 at hi.is
<mailto:ra%3Ahbb11 at hi.is>

Also, today is Öskudagur (Ash Wednesday). Therefore Folda and Flóki are 
gonna have a celebration, a costume PUB-QUIZ in Askja 3rd floor geology 
coffee room at 8 o´clock. Beer will be sold cheap so bring cash with 
you. Prices for best costume! Our Jón Bjarni Friðriksson 
<http://www.facebook.com/jobbi.f?group_id=357597767653105>, Árni 
<http://www.facebook.com/arnifridriks?group_id=357597767653105> and 
Vordís Eiríksdóttir 
<http://www.facebook.com/vordisin?group_id=357597767653105> are making 
awesome questions for us.

Looking forward to see all of you tonight at the pub quiz !! :)

The board

Cordial Saludo / Regards / Best Kv.

Jorge Montalvo, M.Paed
M.Sc. Candidate (Analysis of Volcanic Hazards)
University of Iceland - Institute of Earth Sciences
Askja - Office 376
GSM: +354-845-3911
Alternate email: montalvo.jorgee at gmail.com
Reykjavík, Ísland

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