[Gandur] Skilafrestur ágripa 7. nóv: Evrópska þjóðfræðiráðstefnan 26.-30. mars 2017 (SIEF2017 í Göttingen)

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein vth at hi.is
Thu Nov 3 15:40:07 GMT 2016

Kæru kollegar,

Ég minni á að skilafrestur ágripa fyrir Evrópsku þjóðfræðiráðstefnuna 2017
rennur út á mánudaginn, 7. nóvember. Ráðstefnan verður næst haldin 2019.

Hér fyrir neðan er póstur sem kallar eftir ágripum að fyrirlestrum og
veggspjöldum fyrir ráðstefnu Evrópsku þjóðfræðisamtakanna (SIEF) 2017 sem
haldin verður í Göttingen í Þýskalandi frá 26. til 30 mars nk. Alls verða
um 80 málstofur sem hægt er að kynna sér á heimasíðu SIEF og senda ágripið
til málstofustjóra þeirra málstofu sem best hæfir manns eigin rannsóknum
-- eða leggja fram tillögu að veggspjaldi, en þeim verður einnig gert hátt
undir höfði á ráðstefnunni.


Með góðri kveðju,
Dear Colleagues,

The Call for Posters and Papers, and the Call for Audiovisual media
contributions are now open for "Ways of Dwelling: Crisis - Craft -
Creativity", 13th SIEF congress that will be held in Göttingen, Germany,
26-30 March 2017.

The accepted panels of SIEF2017 have been divided into thematic streams:
Archives; Bodies, Affects, Senses, Emotions; Food; Gender and sexuality;
Heritage; Home; Migration; Narrative; Religion; Rural; Urban; Work. The
specific streams are complemented by a “Sui generis” stream that includes
panels that address the conference theme from thematic angles unique to
the panel. Please read the instructions, browse the panel abstracts and
then submit your paper proposal (note that you can only make one
proposal!) from the panel page (the link for submitting papers is at the
bottom of each panel page).

The congress theme is ideally suited for the visual dimensions of posters
which the organisers plan to showcase prominently, including a 'people's
choice' award for the best poster and for the most creative poster. Please
submit a poster proposal via here.

There will be opportunity to show and discuss movies and interactive
audiovisual formats in a cinema-like atmosphere. A further format welcomed
are media experiments: there will be a room designated for open engagement
with audiovisual research and its emerging knowledge formats such as
installations, photos or digital arrangements not suitable for cinematic
screening with space for discussion in a studio-atmosphere. Please read
further about the Call for AV contributions here.

The Call for Posters and Papers will close on November 7th, and the Call
for AV contributions on November 11th, 2016.


SIEF2017 Congress admin

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein, prófessor í þjóðfræði við Háskóla Íslands
Forseti SIEF (Evrópusamtaka þjóðfræðinga)

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein, professor of ethnology/folkloristics, University of
President of SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore)


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