[Gandur] hádegisfyrirlestur þriðjudaginn 15.maí

Eva Þórdís Ebenezersdóttir ethe3 at hi.is
Tue May 8 12:50:20 GMT 2012

kæru þjóðfræðingar 

Næstkomandi þriðjudag, 15.maí mun Daniel Sävborg prófessor í Skandinavískum fræðum við háskólann í Tartu, Eistlandi ætlar að flytja erindið :

"Philology and folklore - three cases of miscommunication".

staður er sotfa 106 í Odda og stundin er í hádeginu kl. 12-13.

Líklega er þetta síðasti fyrirlestur vetrarins og því hvetjum við sem flesta til að koma og eru allir hjartanlega velkomnir meðan húsrúm leyfir.

Old Norse philology has during the 20th century focused on written texts. Sagas have been compared with other sagas and with contemporary medieval literature, and they have mainly been interpreted in the light of this comparison. Alleged similarities have been interpreted as borrowings from one text to another. There is, however, reason to believe that literary comparison does not explain everything in the sagas, and this is especially true when it comes to narratives about encounters with the Supernatural. Here it seems more fruitful to use knowledge from later recorded folklore than to think in terms of pure literary features. In some cases this folkloristic approach gives entirely different results than the standard "book prose" analysis. In my lecture I will give three examples where I think an awareness of folklore motifs gives a more
correct or at least more complete explanation than the usual literary/philological approach.

með vorkveðju fyrir hönd FÞÍ
Eva Þórdís

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