[Folda] Friday seminar- reminder! : Investigations of glacier mass balance, thermal structure and dynamics in the St. Elias Mountains of Yukon, Canada

Esther Ruth Guðmundsdóttir estherrg at hi.is
Fri Feb 1 10:02:31 GMT 2013

Hi all,
just to remind you on Gwenn Flowers talk today at 12:20 on;  Investigations of glacier mass balance, thermal structure and dynamics in the St. Elias Mountains of Yukon, Canada .

Esther and Morgan
Esther Ruth Guðmundsdóttir PhD geology
Institute of Earth Sciences-University of Iceland
Askja, Sturlugata 7,
IS- 101 Rvk.

Phone: (+354) 525 4255
Mobile (+354) 696 2908

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